Bigg Boss 16 contestant Abdu Rozik shares pictures from his engagement ceremony

Love is in the air! Bigg Boss sensation Abdu Rozik surprises everyone with his engagement to 19-year-old Amirah from Sharjah, sharing the joyous news on Instagram. Meanwhile, at the airport, Bebika Dhurve is caught off guard when asked if she’ll attend the wedding. Watch her response as the wedding buzz spreads!
Bigg Boss 16 fame Abdu Rozik took to his social media on Friday night and shared some beautiful pictures from his engagement ceremony. The singer revealed the name of his fiancée, Amira, and opened up about their love story. Abdu mentioned that it’s a love marriage, and they have known each other for the past four months. He also shared details about their July wedding and mentioned that Salman Khan will attend the ceremony.

In the pictures, Abdu was seen wearing a traditional outfit for his engagement ceremony, while his fiancée Amira’s face was covered with a white veil. Abdu was holding a heart-shaped engagement ring and appeared joyful as he looked at Amira.

Speaking to media news agencies, Abdu described Amira as “pretty, with long hair and beautiful eyes.” He mentioned that Amira is studying business administration in Sharjah. Abdu realized she was the one because he felt understood, respected, and appreciated by her. Due to their strong chemistry, they decided to take their relationship to the next level.